(713) 364-4796

Ready to see if your trademark is available? Our team will conduct a comprehensive search and prepare a report for you – all done by actual, real humans – and will advise you on whether or not your trademark can be registered. We will search not only the USPTO, but also all public records, social media platforms, and international results, and go over which ones are relevant and which ones you can ignore, all for one simple flat fee. Why have a robot search for you when you can hire real-life lawyers and get real-life answers?

Step 1 of 2

  • Choose "Words" if it is a slogan or name of your business or product.
    Choose "Design" if it is a logo or picture.
    Choose "Both" if it is both a slogan and a logo.
  • (e.g., your company name or slogan) (e.g., Nike, CocaCola)
  • (e.g., clothing, hats, t-shirts, shoes) (e.g., online software, downloadable app, online social networking service)
  • (e.g., your website URL)