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We find #inspiration in everything around us, especially from photos. Remember, once you post a #photo on the internet, you own #rights to it. But where does one draw the line to say that someone is blatantly “stealing” from you, if they may just be using your photo as inspiration?
#VladaHaggerty is a Los Angeles-based #makeup artist, whose unique “dripping lips” style has been known to represent her #brand, as seen in her logo above Kylie Cosmetics’ logo. She is planning on suing #KylieJenner of #KylieCosmetics, after Jenner posted a photo from her latest campaign of a lady’s gold clad fingers covering her eyes that looks pretty identical to Haggerty’s photo that she posted a few months prior. Haggerty says this isn’t the first time that Jenner has copied her work.
Haggerty’s lawyer, Stephen McArthur of the McArthur Law Firm, stated that, “Kylie Cosmetics sells its products under a #logo that is so similar to the dripping lip art style that symbolizes Ms. Haggerty’s makeup artist brand that she receives daily inquiries as to whether she is associated with Kylie Cosmetics.”
Check out the photos! Do you think Haggerty will win this #copyright #infringement case, if she files?
#OwnYourMark #MakeYourMark
Written by: Teresa Nguyen