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Photo Credit: https://www.androidpolice.com/2018/05/16/apple-seeks-1-billion-samsung-retrial-patent-violations/


Surely you’ve heard of the two “small” companies Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics (“Samsung”)?

The retrial of the ongoing case between the two companies happened on May 16th.

In 2012, a $1.05 billion jury verdict was retried in 2013. The Supreme Court returned the damages ruling to the judge, so that she might revisit the $399 million amount in damages.

Samsung is said to have infringed on three of Apple’s design patents and two utility patents. Apple’s current focus is how to determine what damages they can collect.

The decision from this court will determine whether damages should be awarded based on profits made off infringement of specific components or the entire device. Ideally, Apple would like to receive damages for the entire phone, but Apple’s patents “do not cover the entire phone…and anything inside of the phone.”

Do you think Samsung copied Apple? Are there similarities?

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