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Helloooo, #12thMan! Where are my #Aggie fans at?

Did you know this term that is used to refer to fans at a #football game is actually trademarked by Texas A&M University, since 1990? Meaning… if you want to use it, you can’t on social media or if you are the Seattle Seahawks, you can pay a big chunk of change. The Seahawks reached a five-year licensing deal, which grants them limited usage #rights of the “12th Man” trademark, for $140,000 with TAMU.

Breakdown: The #Seahawks will pay the school $18,000 over the next five years to use the name in the Pacific Northwest and another $10,000 per year to help TAMU #protect its #trademark.

The “12th Man” came about in 1922, when a fan offered to step in and play a game, when a player got seriously injured, during the #CottonBowl!

The Seahawks will not be able to use “12th Man” on social media, but interestingly, the Seahawks have trademarked and own the rights to “12” (since 2009), “12s” (since 2014), and “We are 12” (since 2015).

#OwnYourMark #MakeYourMark

Written by: Teresa Nguyen